Our Story

Mels Sweet Treats Bakery will satisfy your sweet tooth. We offer a wide variety of treats and even deliver some of our products right to your door. With over 10 year baking we can cater events and add that special flavor to any party.

Our Mission

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High Standards

We take our craft seriously and it shows in our products.

Work Tirelessly

Small or large orders will be fill on time and at your location.

Skilled Baker

We are constantly evolving our products making the best treats you will eat.


Responsible service, responsible people we guarantee you will love our products.

Melanie Johnson

Master Baker

Melanie Johnson is a Westchester New York Native with a passion for baking. As the resident baker, Sunday dinners is where Melanie built a strong passion for the craft and with the signature apple dumplings she started to add more sweet treats to her repertoire.

Our Bakery